
Category  I  News

Field House Construction Continues Progress

Construction continues on the SOCA Field House at Belvedere.  Despite frequent April showers, the project remains largely on schedule.  Concrete perimeter walls are nearing completion, with internal masonry divider walls also in progress.  Ground floor plumbing has been started, which will service the bathrooms and locker rooms used by athletes and visitors. The huge steel […]

Field House Construction Goes Vertical

The SOCA Field House at Belvedere is now rising out of the ground, as construction continues with forming and pouring of concrete walls.  With footings and foundations in place, the next phase of vertical construction has begun.  The complex task of assembling reinforcing and forming the walls is underway, with a large concrete pour expected […]

Field House Project Making Progress

Progress on the SOCA Field House in Belvedere continues apace, with concrete footings and foundations poured.  Vertical walls will start coming up out of the ground next week, and the steel frame for the field house space is expected to arrive on site in mid-March. The project remains on schedule and on budget.  The mild […]

Field House Construction On Schedule

Construction of the SOCA Field House at Belvedere is underway and on schedule.  Excavation is nearly completed, as earth is moved to make way for the indoor soccer field playing space. Footings and foundations will be the next phase of construction, with the structural steel expected to arrive on site in late March. The Field […]

Construction Begun at Belvedere Field House

Construction is underway at the SOCA Belvedere Field House, as earth moving equipment made the first bites into the project on Monday morning, November 25.  Excavation and earth work will take about six weeks to complete, weather permitting. The expected timeline to completion for the entire project is nine months, with an autumn 2020 opening […]

SOCA Breaks Ground on Belvedere Field House

After more than a decade of continual effort, SOCA officials and a supporting team of project participants reveled in the ceremonial ground breaking yesterday for the Belvedere Field House project.  Located adjacent to the Village Green in the heart of the Belvedere community, SOCA’s indoor facility promises to bring increased vitality to the unique neighborhood. […]

Thank You, Coaches!

Every season SOCA delivers quality soccer programming to thousands of eager players, from five year old Hot Shot beginners, to Olympic hopeful high school seniors.  This fall season more than 4,200 players took the field across all programs in both the Augusta and Charlottesville region, and each of those players is expecting to receive instruction […]

SOCA Thanks Supporting Sponsors

SOCA is continually supported by a faithful cadre of local businesses through sponsorship programs.  SOCA is ever grateful for the many local business who support the club and its players by sponsoring programs and teams in both the Charlottesville and Augusta regions.   Over the years SOCA has nurtured valuable relationships with a wide range of […]

Greg Paynter Added to SOCA Staff

SOCA recently announced the addition of Greg Paynter to the staff as the new Director of Goalkeeping and Premier Program Coordinator in Charlottesville. Greg has been working with SOCA in an adjunct capacity for two years and the club is pleased to welcome him to a full time staff position.  Prior to moving to Charlottesville, […]

Chris Stapler Announced as Augusta Region DOC

SOCA recently announced the hiring of Chris Stapler as the new Director of Coaching for the Augusta Region. Chris has an extensive soccer and coaching background having served as a head coach for many years within the Richmond Strikers Elite Travel Program.  Chris’s passion for the game will be contagious throughout the club and he […]