Challenge (old)

Spring 2020 Season Postponed until June & July
(Message from SOCA Board)
SOCA Families,
We hope you and your family are safe and in good health.
We know this has been an extraordinary, frightening, and frustrating time for everyone. We are all navigating through unprecedented circumstances. However, we know that when this pandemic is over everyone will be eager to return to normal life, which includes playing soccer.
One of the most difficult conditions presented by the pandemic is the great uncertainty of when normalcy will return. For our planning purposes we are using the Governor’s current stated date of June 10 for the lifting of restrictions, as indicated in Executive Order #55. Clearly, we know that this date can change and the Order could well be amended. In the event of further changes, we will adjust our plans accordingly. For now, our planning assumes a June 10 end to the current physical distancing restrictions and the beginning of our opportunity to play.
We have produced a summer schedule that is currently live in each family’s personal SOCA account. You may view it there now. We’re planning a six game summer season, with games on June 13, 20 and 27; and July 11, 18 and 25. We’ll take a break on July 4. We’re looking forward to providing everyone a six game summer season, with the opportunity get players back outside and play again with their teams. We will not keep standings or be concerned with results. The purpose of this endeavor is to provide the opportunity to play and facilitate the continuation of player development. Guest playing among teams and roster flexibility will be permitted to accommodate teams that will likely be short at times over the summer months.
SOCA staff are currently confirming field availability for the summer. It is possible some game locations could change prior to June 13. If that happens you will be notified well in advance of the game. Team practices will be scheduled at the team level with your coach.
Thanks for your patience this spring as we have adjusted to the shutdown. We feel strongly that if we can offer safe soccer programming, we should make every effort to do so. We hope resuming play will return some joy to players’ lives and give kids a chance to experience the obvious benefits of exercise, friendships and fun. We are excited to play!
Program Mission Statement
To provide a safe, enjoyable soccer experience with a primary focus on player development.
The Challenge Program is an advanced recreation league, composed of players selected through a tryout process. Challenge serves eager and talented players in local programming through an appropriately competitive and challenging league environment. Players train with and play against like-minded players.
Augusta Region Charlottesville Region